Friday, July 14, 2006

The end of days?

We were going to the gym and just as we stepped out of the car I noticed this very strange formation of the clouds. My kingdom for my wide angle lens at that point, as it was the first time I only brought one lens with me to the gym (a fixed 50mm). I got a few shots though but I really wanted one where you could see how the entire sky was covered with these formations. I have absolutely no idea what have caused this, but it looked really, really strange, I have never seen anything like it before?


At 12:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there, I just wanted to thank you for your lessons. I really think I learned alot and your a good teacher. I won´t come to the Saturday practise so I just wanted to thank you. :)



At 12:11 PM, Blogger Christian Graugart said...

Thanks, I am glad you learned something :)


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